ACH & Check Services

When you hear someone say ‘Automatic Clearing House’ – it sounds like a particularly useless euphemism to describe a garage sale. However, those in the know realize that Automatic Clearing House is what ‘ACH’ stands for, which is a huge part of transactions that take place every single day. You might recognize ACH under a different name: EFT (electronic funds transfer) or simply as ‘direct deposit’.

Merchant Account Providers offers comprehensive, safe and secure ACH and check transactions, taking on the risk of accepting checks on your behalf. We guarantee that any check transactions are risk free and check conversion is included in our rates. While ACH might sound daunting for some, it is a relatively painless process, and a way for businesses to transfer funds and accept payments without the hassle of card machines or even an online shopping platform. At Merchant Account Providers, we will set up all of the tools you need to make your business more efficient with ACH services.

If you would like more information about our ACH services or check services, please don’t hesitate to give us a call (explaining the finer details is usually better over the phone!) toll-free at 1-800-774-7597.

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