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High Risk Credit Card Processing

The list of businesses that fall under “high risk” for obtaining a high risk credit card processing merchant account is a long one. The first to come to mind would be merchants who may have had credit problems themselves in the past, but it is also the type of business and what products or services they offer that will put a merchant in the “high risk” category. At we have merchant account solutions for everyone—including high risk merchants.

We Accept High Risk Credit Card Processing

While it may come as no surprise to find businesses like check cashing services, credit repair and fortune tellers are considered high risk, you might be stunned to find more traditional enterprises like computer stores, ticket sales and jewelry sales to also be on that list. But just because a merchant falls into the high risk merchant account category, that doesn’t mean that they cannot process credit cards. is proud to have a 99% approval rate on our high risk credit card processing merchant account. Regardless of the type of business you run, it is worth your time to give us a call to see how we can help in setting you up to accept credit cards.

For over 15 years we have made it our objective to provide merchant accounts to as many businesses as possible. But doesn’t stop there. We give you access to customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assure that your account runs smoothly at all times. You’ll be able to accept all major credit cards, debit cards and process recurring billings as well as echecks. We don’t charge an application fee, so, really, what do you have to lose? Not a thing, and only increased sales to gain when you obtain a high risk credit card processing merchant account through