If your business is selling products and services via the internet you should be able to accept credit cards on website. Third-party services like MoneyBrokers, eGold, and PayPal are good options to have, but some customers won’t have accounts through those service providers and some simply prefer to pay directly using their credit card. At Merchant Account Providers, we are proud to be able to offer merchant account services to businesses of all types and sizes. The internet has leveled the playing field for the smaller business owner, allowing them to reach out to the entire world in offering their wares, but not having the option to accept credit cards nullifies that leveling effect and can drive customers to other sites.
We’ll Give you the Tools to Accept Credit Cards on your Website
Maybe you’ve been putting off getting a merchant account because the thought of the application process is daunting. But you’ll be surprised at how quick and easy it is to get set up to accept credit cards on your website. Just a simple application process online or over the phone, and in as little as 48 hours or less you can be processing credit card payments just as quickly as you can process orders. Merchant Account Providers offers low transaction rates and flat monthly fees with no application, set up or programming fees. We are one of the only merchant account providers that will answer the phone with a REAL person!
You’ll be amazed at how fast your business grows once you can accept credit cards on your website. By making it easier for your customers to pay, you won’t lose those impulse buyers anymore and your sales will increase. Call us or apply online today to get your merchant account set up. Same day approvals are an option and if you ever need it, technical support is free and available 24/7. Take your business and your income to new levels with an online merchant account from